Industry Updates


Ramadhan Kareem 1439H

Ramadhan Kareem 1439H

May this Ramadhan be a month of blessings, full of forgiveness and guidance for you and your family.

Happy Chinese New Year from DagangHalal

Happy Chinese New Year from DagangHalal

DagangHalal Berhad and Halal Verified Engine (HVE) would like to wish all a very Happy Chinese New Year.May this year bring more prosperous and joy to all.

Mawlid Rasul 1436 Hijriah

Mawlid Rasul 1436 Hijriah

وصلى الله على نبينا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه وسلم

Happy New Year 2015!!

Happy New Year 2015!!

Halal Verified Engine (HVE) would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a very Happy New Year 2015!!

Joint effort by